The great thing about golf is that there are only two objectives distance and direction. This article is all about direction or how you can control your ball flight. A good understanding as to “WHY” the ball flies in any direction can lead to positive changes to how you play and lower your score.
The flight shape of the ball is affected mainly by two factors CLUB FACE ANGLE & CLUB PATH. Ball flight is also influenced by angle of attack and centeredness of contact. For the purpose of quick learning we will focus on CLUB FACE ANGLE & CLUB PATH.
We must first understand that the initial flight path or direction will be determined by the angle the club face is pointed at impact. 85% of the starting flight is related to face angle.
1. If the club face is pointed to the right it starts right.
2. If the club face is pointed to the left it starts left.
3. If the club face is pointed straight it starts straight.
The picture clearly shows the club moving left but the ball stays almost straight as it begins its flight. SIMPLE ENOUGH ……NOT SO FAST!!!
The direction the ball takes (which way it spins) in the air is affected by the clubs path as it moves to the ball, strikes the ball, and moves past the ball.
1. If the club moves inside to out a right to left spin is created. The ball will curve in this direction.

2. If the club moves outside to in a left to right spin is imparted. The ball will curve in this direction.

3. If the club moves inside to square to inside (down the line) a straight spin is imparted. The ball will fly straight.

The following indicates the ball flights based on swing path and clubface direction. All ball flight patterns are based on the difference in clubface direction relative to the club path.

Evans Mahoney