There are a number of different fundamentals that should be learned in golf but there are five basic golf swing fundamentals in particular that should be focused on. If you are able to work on these golf swing fundamentals and really get the hang of them then you are going to be set and your game is going to be at least that much better. These are grip, posture, pivot, alignment, and the mental side. There are actually five basic steps that must be followed in order to have proper posture when playing golf.
For this one of the most important golf swing fundamentals, the best place to get started is to learn how to distribute your body weight. While there are a few different grips that you can use, the most commonly used and typically best is the interlocking grip. Just make sure that you are aware of where your lead hand is because this is the hand that you want to be focusing on when you are gripping the club and the interlocking grip is the most commonly used and for this you have the pinky of your right or lead hand interlocked with the index finger on your left.
Another of the basic golf swing fundamentals has to do with your posture. Next for the golf swing fundamentals there is the topic of pivot and to do this properly you want to put the golf club behind your back and through your elbows. You need to focus on a few different things on this of the golf swing fundamentals and that includes width of stance, knee flex, straightening of the back, bending of the hip socket and as well on the angle that your back is maintaining throughout the swing. This is one of the best tips if you are trying to work on posture of the golf swing fundamentals.
Finally for the most basic golf swing fundamentals there is the mental side of things. That is the great thing about golf is that you can always work on your game and there is always room for improvement. You really need to have the ability to play without thinking too far into it which can be hard when you are just getting started and trying to take everything in and learn the fundamentals. You want to make sure that you are focused but that your mind is not too cluttered because this is going to ruin your game.